Give Online

Stewardship of Treasure

Your giving changes lives.

Online giving allows you to contribute to our parish without writing checks or worrying about carrying cash. Our eGiving solution will allow you to contribute to our parish at any time from anywhere. This site lets you set up automatic contributions for your regular offertory. You can even designate one-time donations to second and special collections. Explore your options below to get started. We are grateful for your support of our parish.

Why We Give

Your donations make a real difference in the lives of people at our parish, in our community, and around the world.

As Catholics, we thank God for His many blessings and are called to share those blessings with others. We do this by giving our time, talent, and treasure in service of the Good News of Jesus Christ. We encourage our parish membership to give -- not to meet some obligatory percentage, but to sacrifice gladly for the sake of the Gospel. We recognize that Jesus Christ gave His all for us, and all we have is from Him.

Thanks to the generosity of our parishioners last year we have entirely met the needs of our operational budget, paid down our mortgage by 18%, and funded the operations of over 60 ministries in our community. Last year we served over 18,000 meals to hungry children and adults in the area. You also helped us sponsor 25 young adults with scholarships totaling $125,000 to continue their Catholic education at the elementary, high school, and college levels.

Last year we also collected and shared over $250,000 for national and diocesan collections such as the Bishop's Annual Appeal, Black and Indian Missions, Campaign Human Development, Central/Eastern Europe, Charity & Development, Communication Campaign, Holy Land, Home Missions Appeal, Latin America, Peter's Pence, Relief Services, Retirement Fund, Rice Bowl, University, and World Mission Sunday.

Our ability to serve the community is made possible by the generosity of our parishioners. Thank you for sharing your time, talent, and treasure with Christ the King.

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